
Will incorporate new varieties of organic banana

In this case, it is the Peruvian organic banana that seeks to innovate to improve its production and quality in front of the world.

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World production of table grape remains unchanged this season

For this 2020-2021 campaign of table grapes, production is expected to continue in a very similar way to the previous campaign.

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Fruit imports in the United States Will they go up or down?

Find out which imports of fruit trees are growing in the United States and which ones have begun to experience declines.

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USA seek to consolidate mango exports

Will Peruvian mango exports be able to position themselves in foreign markets like avocados, blueberries and grapes? and what strategies are already being used to strengthen their consumption

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Organic Blueberry Vs. Conventional Blueberry

The organic blueberry is projected to be the berrie with the highest demand over conventional blueberries in Europe and more developed countries.

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Demand for fresh Peruvian grapes in the US increases

The Peruvian fresh grape campaign has already started and with it new opportunities have also come.

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