Demand for fresh Peruvian grapes in the US increases

The 2020-2021 campaign for fresh Peruvian grapes has already started and with it have also come new opportunities to increase exports of this Peruvian fruit in its main importing markets and, why not, to enter new markets.

fresh Peruvian grapes

On this occasion, it is the Californian table grape that has opened a new door to shipments of Peruvian grapes. As this production is the main local supplier of the US market and so far it has not reached the volumes projected by the California Table Grape Commission.

Until the first week of November, California grape harvests decreased by 9% compared to the same period of 2019, reaching a volume of 556,476 tons, translated into 63,000 boxes of a little more than 8.5 kilos each. This result is unflattering for the commission's projections, which also stated that California grape harvests had already reached their peak.

In terms of percentage, the California Table Grape Commission projected that the decrease in harvests would be only 1.5% until the end of the season and they began estimating that this year there would be a growth of 2.5%.

As the Californian supply falls, the US market has begun to import higher volumes of fresh grapes for the benefit of Peruvian producers who are just in an early stage of their table grape harvests and compete with US producers only until the month January, when his campaign ends.

How did fresh Peruvian grapes benefit?

Until last October, shipments of Peruvian grapes to the United States reached 4,413 tons, 415% more than on the same dates of the previous season 2019-2020. In addition, it should be noted that the price of a kilo of grapes Peruvian fresh products amounted to a value between $ 3.50 and $ 4.50 in the US market.