Pollinators increase the quality of your fruits

It is well known that pollinators play an important role in the development and maintenance of agricultural crops, but it is also well known that their population is decreasing more and more year after year and although now it does not pose a big problem, if it continues like this, the consequences will be felt in the future.


Currently, studies at the University of Göttingen conducted by an agroecologist, argue that if pollinators are strengthened, crop production would increase. Well, in the case of wild plants worldwide, 90% of their reproduction depends on them and in the case of the most important crops in the world, it does 85%.

In the world there are more than 2 billion people who are dedicated to agricultural cultivation and their work depends largely on the role played by pollinators, mainly bees, since 35% of world food production depends on them.

But pollinators are not only indicators of how well crop yields will go, their work also benefits the quality of the food to be produced; increasing their nutrients or the storage time that they can withstand before degrading.

A big problem that pollinators struggle with are chemicals, because in order to put an end to various pests and diseases, agrochemicals have been abused that despite providing a quick solution to a problem, greatly affect the life of pollinators. that are left in the background even knowing the important role they play.

And agrochemicals are not the only danger in the life of pollinators, monocultures and the loss of natural habitats also influence their decline as there is no longer the variety of pollinator species that used to do so and this greatly limits their performance in the nature.

Monetizing their work, the service pollinators perform is between $ 200 to $ 400 billion a year. And despite this, it is large companies that benefit the least from pollinators and small farmers that do the most.